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Jamie Woods of Nari Nari Tribal council reveals the long social and personal journey leading to the repatriation of hundreds of burial sites across the plains west of Hay in NSW.


The 'This Place' project invites Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to create a short video about a place name, and the story behind it.

In 2022 the Elders, members and children of Nari Nari Tribal Council were captured in an oral history project, aimed at recording a moment in time for Aboriginal people, living and working in Hay, NSW. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following footage may contain images, names and voices of people who have passed.


Film maker: Brett Naseby.

This project is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW.

Nari Nari Tribal Council signs 10-year agreement with Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder

May 2023

The Nari Nari Tribal Council and the Australian Government’s Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder (CEWH) have formed a unique, long-term partnership to formalise their shared commitment to improving cultural and environmental outcomes in the Murray-Darling Basin.

The 10-year agreement is an important milestone to further empower the Nari Nari Tribal Council to make decisions on the ongoing cultural and ecological management of their lands according to their lore, custom and knowledge.

Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, Dr Simon Banks, said the Agreement demonstrates the governments ongoing commitment to strengthening the culturally appropriate involvement of First Nations people in environmental watering, and recognises the importance of building transparent, respectful relationships with Traditional Custodians across the Basin. 


This trail is named in memory of Cortney Flo Fitzpatrick affectionately known as Sissy, who died tragically in 2002, aged just 8. Sissy embodied the future of community, and was a bright, cheerful, friendly child. Sissy was truly a free spirit, who now watches over this land, which she so loved. Sissy is remembered and missed by her family and those she knew.

Read more here

17th April 2024. 2.jpg

Cultural connection to country (Triple C) program.

Gayini River Ranger - Youth development program

During April 2022, Hay Plains Landcare and Nari Nari Tribal Council hosted a Land Management Expo on the banks of Pollen Creek at Gayini.


Participants learned about programs monitoring threatened waterbirds and reptiles, the removal of pest species, the work of The Nature Conservancy and undertook a clay seed ball rolling workshop.

November 2021 update at Gayini

Cultural connection to Country - Triple C Program in April 2021 at Gayini

A consortium led by The Nature Conservancy Australia is managing Gayini (meaning "water" in Nari Nari language) for better outcomes for nature and people. Together with its Traditional Owners represented by the Nari Nari Tribal Council, and in partnership with the Murray Darling Wetlands Working Group and the Centre for Ecosystem Science at the University of NSW, we’re conserving precious wildlife, developing sustainable agricultural practices and protecting significant cultural heritage over this vast 87,816 hectare property.

The handing back of an 88,000-hectare property in NSW to Nari Nari Tribal Council (NNTC) will ensure the protection of ecologically vital wetlands and significant Aboriginal heritage sites. Gayini is an environmentally and culturally significant property on the Murrumbidgee floodplain, referred to as the ‘Kakadu of the south’. The purchase and handing back of Gayini was facilitated by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and made possible through co-funding from the ILSC and the Wyss Campaign for Nature.

Efforts to protect threatened birds on Nari Nari Tribal Council country.

Private land conservation punches above its weight in scale and impact. Hear how the sector addresses some of the most pressing conservation issues across the country, including restoring endangered ecosystems, building the protected area estate to help Australia meet its 30 x 30 target and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Speakers:

  • Dieuwer Reynders (NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust)

  • Mark Brettschneider (Nari Nari Tribal Council)

  • Fiona Fraser (Threatened Species Commissioner)

  • Dr John Kanowski (Australian Wildlife Conservancy)

  • Julian Davies (Sharewater)

Facilitated by Jody Gunn, CEO, Australian Land Conservation Alliance

Students from Hay War Memorial High School visit Riverina property Gayini Nimmie-Caira to learn about cultural land management and conservation.

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